On Friday 25 August 2017, eiengineering attended the Civil Contractors Federation Victoria (CCF Vic) Earth Awards. The Earth Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of Civil Contractors in the delivery of infrastructure projects in Victoria. The awards were broken into areas of construction excellence, environmental management and project management across six contract value categories. eiengineering was one of the lead sponsors of the awards, and CEO, Adrian Mason, presented the awards for categories 3 and 4.
Following is a recap of the winners on the night.
Category 1: Project value up to $1 million
Winner: Maw Civil Marine Pty Ltd
Project: Sorrento Step Wall and Rock Revetment
Category 2: Project value $1 million to $5 million
Winner: RBM Plumbing and Drainage, John Holland/KBR, Joint Venture/Melbourne Water
Project: Merri Creek Main Sewer Early Works Project
Category 3: Project value $5 million – $10 million
Winner: Delcon Civil Pty Ltd
Project: Glenroy Main Drain Upgrade Project
Category 4: Project value $10 million – $30 million
Winner: BMD Constructions & City of Greater Bendigo
Project: Bendigo Airport Upgrade – Stage 2
Category 5: Project value $30 million – $75 million
Winner: Cut & Fill Pty Ltd
Project: Sneydes Road Interchange, Werribee
All finalists should be commended for their achievements. For a full list of finalists and their videos, visit the CCF Victoria Earth Awards Event Page.
The National Earth Awards will be held on Tuesday 21st November 2017 in Canberra, where the winners of the Victorian awards will compete against other projects in their respective categories. Good luck to our Victorian winners!
eiengineering is a proud sponsor of CCF Victoria. If you would like to find out more about our high performance excavator attachments, please contact us.